Sunday, November 13, 2022

Are you sad like me?

I can pin point the depression these days. I recognize it as it is and not how I wish it would be. I use it as the fuel to create, too rid myself of hate. I don't understand how I can be so selfless and selfish. How I can miss the things that aren't good for me while I suffocate what is. How I obsess over you, how I wish you'd tell me how it is. I'm nothing but short of okay. I am this person that really is useless in every single way. That I have true love but continue to wish it away. How I have this yearning for freedom like I am stuck in a cage. I built this cage with my anxiety, with my depression, with my fears of being great. I can pin point what's good for me and I can ignore it all in the same day. I am hot and cold, thick and thin, rich and poor, a coward and I'm brave, I can be everything you needed and I can also not be anything. I can post my face and you like it but my words don't seem to mean anything.  This feeling of being completely sad is a feeling I can't ever seem to chase away.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

I'm Crazy and Halloween's my favorite

 I think I most definitely have a love hate relationship with this time of year.  Halloween is my most favorite holiday, I absolutely love being able to start wearing jackets, sweaters, gloves and beanies which I love, although I hate being cold. It's a conundrum of the grandest kind. I probably am that. A conundrum. A weirdo. Eccentric. Vulgar. Transparent. Radical. Methodical. Curious. Humane. Empathetic. Energetic. Poetic. Rejected. Wondering. Pondering. Ethical. Insane. No one really understands my name.  I happened to veer off into another random lane.  That's pretty normal I suppose, I criss cross on which way my mind goes. Why do you come to my blog, do you think I am a cog?

Oh well whatever it is, I'm also here for it, so I am glad you are too. 

I am just as nosey as you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


We are all trying to fight our demons, shaming them into little boxes, telling them that we have no use for them.  Acting like they are a weakness when we should really be embracing them, training them, getting to know them but most of all controlling them.  That's the trick right?  Mastering our inner most thoughts and feelings, you see those demons are just the parts of you that want out, that want to be heard, that need you to show up.  Just like our parents showed up for us or didn't, whatever the case may be.  Our demons are like the child still in us, begging to be heard, begging to be seen.  When we ignore those feelings they morph into what I like to call demons and they show up with the intent to wreck us.  To wreck us with a slap back to reality. Listen I say. Listen to the demons of your soul.  Listen to get better, listen to understand them.  The only way to master them is to get personal with them, get real, own your thoughts or they will end up owning you.  We hear the word demon and we are shaken to our core.  Society wants you to be sacred of them, they don't want you to get to know them.  Knowing your demons is how you master your own life.  They don't want you to master a thing, they want you to be mastered by them.  They want you to run scared and hide, they want you to be shaking in your boots at the mere thought of someone blaming you for the things you cannot hide.  The demons are everywhere, outside, inside, under your bed, in your closet, in the corners, and in your head.  We are all trying to fight our demons but instead we should be inviting them to eat at our table, to sleep in our bed, to take a walk with us, to bath in our water, to live in our heads.  The world is a demon and if we can't master them and learn to live in harmony with the demons in our heads, we won't go anywhere, we won't win the good fight.  We will only be sad souls wishing that we had never lived our lives.

Monday, April 11, 2022

A Good Cry

So you should just have a good cry

tell all of them goodbye

they say that they care 

but then they continue 

to slowly wear

on your 


I just let them tear mine apart

like I don't even care 

about me 


do things that are mean

but it's because 

you keep 




with your inability 

to care about 

why I am 

even here 

where do we draw the line 

where do we decide 

that being alone 

is better 


feeling like you don't care

I love you they say 

then they do things

that prove it 

but then they do things that 



what does it all fucking mean?

I'm angry, I'm sad and I'm crying 

I don't want to feel like I'm dying 

why do I do this 

why do I think

that there 

is anyone out there

that is actually 


I need

I don't get to have it all

I am all of it 

I am horrible 

I am ugly 

I deserve 


I even 

earned it 

just a good cry is all that I need.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Some People

Some people only love you because of the way you make them feel.

If by chance you don't make them feel that way one time. Well you are wrong.

Some people only care about you because of what you bring to the table. 

If by chance you can't bring to the table what they need. Well you are wrong.

Some people only need you to need them so they don't feel so sad. 

If by chance you show any sign of not needing them. Well you are wrong.

Some people can't communicate their feelings unless you force them too. 

If by some chance you provide a safe space for them to communicate how they feel. Well you are wrong.

Some people seek out ways to not be miserable everyday.

If by chance you can relate. Well you are wrong. 

Don't mistake some people for people that can stay.

Don't mistake some people for people that truly love you.

Don't mistake some people for people that are good for you.

Don't mistake your kindness for trying anyways.

Monday, March 28, 2022


A whole month has passed by without a post, I've had many ideas but making myself sit down and write is the oddest chore of my life.  I love to write but it takes me time, time I don't have. That's the tragic truth here, that I wholeheartedly put it on the back burner constantly and to think it is one of the things I am good at.  That's what I do with everything that's good, I put it off, I push it to the side, I don't make the time.  Tragic.

I seem to do a lot of tragic things really.  My life is the most beautiful, most tragic thing I have ever known. 

My life, my art, my heart and my soul. Tragic.

Tragic in the most beautiful way.

I should go write a poem about this very moment, the moment I realized that my sorrow is actually my strength.  That my art is the only thing actually keeping me sane.  That my heart is full of love no matter what.  That my life is not that bad.  That I shouldn't really be this sad.  

Tragic they say but the tragedy is the teacher.  Teaching all of the things, no matter where we go there will be something tragic, just be sure to find the magic. It follows in its place.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

She's Fire

She's fire that needs the earth to sustain her but she also needs the air to keep her flame alive.  The water to balance her, the moon to cool her down and the sun to feed her flame.

The definitions of fire according to is 



1 a state, process, or instance of combustion in which fuel or other material is ignited and combined with oxygen, giving off light, heat, and flame.

2 a burning mass of material, as on a hearth or in a furnace.

3 the destructive burning of a building, town, forest, etc.; configuration.

4 heat used for cooking, especially the lighter burner of a stove: Put the kettle on the fire.

5 Greek fire.

6 flashing light; luminous appearance.

7 brilliance, as of a gem.

8 burning passion; excitement or enthusiasm; adore.

9 liveliness of imagination.

10 fever or inflammation.

11 severe trial or trouble; ordeal

12 exposure to fire as a means of torture or ordeal.

13 strength, as of an alcoholic beverage.

14 a spark or sparks.

15 the discharge of firearms: enemy fire.

16 the effect of firing military weapons: to pour fire upon the enemy.

17 British.

    a gas or electric heater used for heating a room.

18 Literary.

    a luminous object, as a star: heavenly fires.

19 to set on fire.

20 to supply with fuel or attend to the fire of (often followed by up): They fired the boiler.

21 to expose to the action of fire; subject to heat.

22 to apply heat to in a kiln for baking or glazing; burn.

23 to heat very slowly for the purpose of drying, as tea.

24 to inflame, as with passion; fill with ardor (often followed by up)

25 to inspire.

26 to light or cause to flow as if on fire.

27 to discharge (a gun).

28 to project (a bullet or the like) by or as if by discharging from a gun.

29 to subject to explosion or explosive force, as a mine.

30 to cause (a device, machine, etc.) to start working (usually followed by up): I just fired up my new laptop.

31 to hurl; throw: to fire a stone through a window.

32 to dismiss from a job.

33 Veterinary Medicine.

    to apply a heated iron to (the skin) in order to create a local inflammation of the superficial structures, 

    with the intention of favorably affecting deeper inflammatory processes. 

34 to drive out or away by or as by fire.

verb (used without object), fired, firing 

35 to take fire; be kindled.

36 to glow as if on fire.

37 to become inflamed with passion; become excited.

38 to shoot, as a gun.

39 to discharge a gun: to fire at a fleeing enemy.

40 to hurl a projectile.

41 Music.

    to ring the bells of a chime all at once.

42 (of plant leaves) to turn yellow or brown before the plant matures.

43 (of an internal-combustion engine) to cause ignition of the air-fuel mixture in cylinder or cylinders.

44 (of a nerve cell) to discharge an electric impulse.


45 Slang.

    cool, excellent, exciting, etc.: it would be so fire if we won those tickets!

I define fire because I am one of the fire signs, an Aries and my mind started firing off, no pun intended.  I then went on to think about all the zodiac signs and how they are split up into the elements of  Fire, Water, Earth and Air.  I'm so interested in astrology and how wildly accurate it can be when I think about the people that I know well and what their signs are.  I've always been into it but here lately I have really been studying it hard. I truly am fire but I also need water, earth and air which is where the first sentence originated from and what sparked this post.  What sign are you and do you fall into which element fire, water, earth or air? 

Lets take a look at the elements and what signs fall under them and a brief description,

Fire Signs (Aires, Leo, Sagittarius) are bold, brash, creative and daring; they can burn too brightly, though, and their tempers run hot.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are emotional, intuitive, and deeply in touch with their subconscious. At times, they can get overwhelmed in feeling.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are communicative, sharp, and intellectual, but also prone to overindulging in fantasy and theory. 

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are solid and practical, but also sensual and drawn to material goods. They can be stubborn and unyielding.

Does your element fit you? 

I'm the fire that can burn you up, burn you out or light the way and keep you warm.  They say don't play with fire. I'm here to tell you it can be a risk worth taking.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

What do you do with a mind like this?

If I could sit down and write every single time I am inspired through out the day, that would be something.  Although I say that and then I think about what's actually happening during those days that is so inspiring to me.  If I had the opportunity and ability to sit down and write at any point in time, would I even write about the same things? Would I have nothing to write about or would it be different? or better? or worse?  Would I be receiving the amount of inspiration it takes to even spark these thoughts?  Is that what I would really want?  I go onto to think that I'd be inspired in a different way, a better way, a way that maybe would still suck.  That it may still be great but am I willing to risk it,  am I willing to go all in?  I must trust the process.  I repeat that in my mind and it's very common for me to not trust anything.  I can see the failures before they even appear, I can smell them and taste them.  I know that they are real, but are they more real than the feelings I feel when I am letting things drain me and I'm letting things win?  

What does one do with a mind like this? Always thinking, always ticking, always second guessing a means to the end.  You've got to control your mind they say.  You must not let it win.  My mind has got it's own mind and her name is Mattel.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Forever Curious

I am forever curious, it's my mission to learn and gain knowledge.  I am so very curious about just the world in general, although there are things that really peak my interest and I delve into researching and learning all I can about them.  I find myself often thinking about ways to bring more light into the world.  To make the difference I so strongly feel I was placed here on Earth to do.  I am slowing getting closer to tapping into that potential and you know its been a tough road.  I had to experience some unfortunate events and experiences to get here.  It's essentially all apart of my journey and being curious about all things was where it all started.  When I was a little girl I remember endless afternoons outside among the plants and the animals, they where my friends. I was drawn to them, I was curious about them, curious about what I knew about them by just spending my time with them.  Talking to them and admiring their beauty and their flaws.  I used to spy on people and write about it in my journal while hidden away in the foliage.  I studied them all and to this day I am still that curious little girl spying on people and being one with nature, always with several pets that happened by chance rather than by choice.  I'm beginning to realize that my pain, my depression is caused by my close bond with the Earth and all of its creatures.  That only those that can feel her pain can be the ones to cure it.  I'm just still working on trying to convince the world that I'm one of those individuals and through my energy, art, writing and all the talents that I behold and my forever curious need to learn more things I will make the difference I so deeply feel I am here to make.  I was driving home from a training today I finished listening to a book by Lolly Daskal called The Leadership Gap and at the end of this book she talks about a place called the City of Hope.  The City of Hope was founded in 1913 and is a National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center and founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network being ranked among the nation's "Best Hospitals" in cancer by US News & World Report for over a decade.  She talked about one of the founding leaders, Samuel H. Golter and how he coined the phrase "There is no profit in curing the body if, in the process, we destroy the soul." she goes on to say that those words became City of Hope's credo.  After hearing that phrase the goose bumps nearly flooded my whole entire body.  I knew right then that part of my mission is in helping heal the soul.  That phrase resonates with me to a degree in which I cannot even began to explain.  It moved me in a way that will forever change me and feed into that curiosity.  Officially creating me forever curious. 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Just my Luck

I've allowed too many things to die within me because of shame, because the world worked so hard to try and tame me.  It was only a matter of time before my soul couldn't continue to pay the fees.  The worlds not my keeper, its just the place I have to be for now.  I often wonder how the world would be if it hadn't got sucked into all the greed.  If people actually truly cared about the trees and the bees.  I have such a strong sense of connection with nature that I live in a constant state of misery over the pain that I receive.  I'm trying to figure out how to change it or is that just too much to think? Could that actually be done or is this part of the plan; something that I must be apart of to be able to create the path to healing.  Somedays I realize that I may be the one that needs the healing or maybe I will just be damned to eternity with a souls that's in constant wreckage no matter what.  Just my luck.