Thursday, January 13, 2022

Just my Luck

I've allowed too many things to die within me because of shame, because the world worked so hard to try and tame me.  It was only a matter of time before my soul couldn't continue to pay the fees.  The worlds not my keeper, its just the place I have to be for now.  I often wonder how the world would be if it hadn't got sucked into all the greed.  If people actually truly cared about the trees and the bees.  I have such a strong sense of connection with nature that I live in a constant state of misery over the pain that I receive.  I'm trying to figure out how to change it or is that just too much to think? Could that actually be done or is this part of the plan; something that I must be apart of to be able to create the path to healing.  Somedays I realize that I may be the one that needs the healing or maybe I will just be damned to eternity with a souls that's in constant wreckage no matter what.  Just my luck.

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