Tuesday, October 4, 2022


We are all trying to fight our demons, shaming them into little boxes, telling them that we have no use for them.  Acting like they are a weakness when we should really be embracing them, training them, getting to know them but most of all controlling them.  That's the trick right?  Mastering our inner most thoughts and feelings, you see those demons are just the parts of you that want out, that want to be heard, that need you to show up.  Just like our parents showed up for us or didn't, whatever the case may be.  Our demons are like the child still in us, begging to be heard, begging to be seen.  When we ignore those feelings they morph into what I like to call demons and they show up with the intent to wreck us.  To wreck us with a slap back to reality. Listen I say. Listen to the demons of your soul.  Listen to get better, listen to understand them.  The only way to master them is to get personal with them, get real, own your thoughts or they will end up owning you.  We hear the word demon and we are shaken to our core.  Society wants you to be sacred of them, they don't want you to get to know them.  Knowing your demons is how you master your own life.  They don't want you to master a thing, they want you to be mastered by them.  They want you to run scared and hide, they want you to be shaking in your boots at the mere thought of someone blaming you for the things you cannot hide.  The demons are everywhere, outside, inside, under your bed, in your closet, in the corners, and in your head.  We are all trying to fight our demons but instead we should be inviting them to eat at our table, to sleep in our bed, to take a walk with us, to bath in our water, to live in our heads.  The world is a demon and if we can't master them and learn to live in harmony with the demons in our heads, we won't go anywhere, we won't win the good fight.  We will only be sad souls wishing that we had never lived our lives.

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