Some people only love you because of the way you make them feel.
If by chance you don't make them feel that way one time. Well you are wrong.
Some people only care about you because of what you bring to the table.
If by chance you can't bring to the table what they need. Well you are wrong.
Some people only need you to need them so they don't feel so sad.
If by chance you show any sign of not needing them. Well you are wrong.
Some people can't communicate their feelings unless you force them too.
If by some chance you provide a safe space for them to communicate how they feel. Well you are wrong.
Some people seek out ways to not be miserable everyday.
If by chance you can relate. Well you are wrong.
Don't mistake some people for people that can stay.
Don't mistake some people for people that truly love you.
Don't mistake some people for people that are good for you.
Don't mistake your kindness for trying anyways.
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