Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Bad things always come in threes.... or more

I'm forever being like hey you know that old saying... "all bad things happen in threes." That's Bullshit! They happen however they are going to happen I feel like lately between things at work and home I've had like 6 bad things happen in a two week period.  It's so hard to stay positive when a plethora of bad things and bad luck is wrecking your life, however I'm super optimistic and will pull myself out of that funk by just focusing my energy and mind on all the good things that are in my life and how blessed I really am despite all the bad stuff that's littering my world.  We're all guilty of letting our minds dominate our emotions, after all we are only human.  Here I go again with another old saying or phrase so to speak..."mind over matter." which means the use of willpower to overcome physical problems.  I practice this religiously, I've learned that if you let your emotions get the best of you (which is bound to happen sometimes) then you cause more heartache and headaches then if you take a logical look at the situation and leave the emotions at bay.  I know it's not going to be easy but the next time you think the world is ending and all bad things are happening stop and think about all the things that went right!!

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