She's fire that needs the earth to sustain her but she also needs the air to keep her flame alive. The water to balance her, the moon to cool her down and the sun to feed her flame.
The definitions of fire according to is
1 a state, process, or instance of combustion in which fuel or other material is ignited and combined with oxygen, giving off light, heat, and flame.
2 a burning mass of material, as on a hearth or in a furnace.
3 the destructive burning of a building, town, forest, etc.; configuration.
4 heat used for cooking, especially the lighter burner of a stove: Put the kettle on the fire.
5 Greek fire.
6 flashing light; luminous appearance.
7 brilliance, as of a gem.
8 burning passion; excitement or enthusiasm; adore.
9 liveliness of imagination.
10 fever or inflammation.
11 severe trial or trouble; ordeal
12 exposure to fire as a means of torture or ordeal.
13 strength, as of an alcoholic beverage.
14 a spark or sparks.
15 the discharge of firearms: enemy fire.
16 the effect of firing military weapons: to pour fire upon the enemy.
17 British.
a gas or electric heater used for heating a room.
18 Literary.
a luminous object, as a star: heavenly fires.
19 to set on fire.
20 to supply with fuel or attend to the fire of (often followed by up): They fired the boiler.
21 to expose to the action of fire; subject to heat.
22 to apply heat to in a kiln for baking or glazing; burn.
23 to heat very slowly for the purpose of drying, as tea.
24 to inflame, as with passion; fill with ardor (often followed by up)
25 to inspire.
26 to light or cause to flow as if on fire.
27 to discharge (a gun).
28 to project (a bullet or the like) by or as if by discharging from a gun.
29 to subject to explosion or explosive force, as a mine.
30 to cause (a device, machine, etc.) to start working (usually followed by up): I just fired up my new laptop.
31 to hurl; throw: to fire a stone through a window.
32 to dismiss from a job.
33 Veterinary Medicine.
to apply a heated iron to (the skin) in order to create a local inflammation of the superficial structures,
with the intention of favorably affecting deeper inflammatory processes.
34 to drive out or away by or as by fire.
verb (used without object), fired, firing
35 to take fire; be kindled.
36 to glow as if on fire.
37 to become inflamed with passion; become excited.
38 to shoot, as a gun.
39 to discharge a gun: to fire at a fleeing enemy.
40 to hurl a projectile.
41 Music.
to ring the bells of a chime all at once.
42 (of plant leaves) to turn yellow or brown before the plant matures.
43 (of an internal-combustion engine) to cause ignition of the air-fuel mixture in cylinder or cylinders.
44 (of a nerve cell) to discharge an electric impulse.
45 Slang.
cool, excellent, exciting, etc.: it would be so fire if we won those tickets!
I define fire because I am one of the fire signs, an Aries and my mind started firing off, no pun intended. I then went on to think about all the zodiac signs and how they are split up into the elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air. I'm so interested in astrology and how wildly accurate it can be when I think about the people that I know well and what their signs are. I've always been into it but here lately I have really been studying it hard. I truly am fire but I also need water, earth and air which is where the first sentence originated from and what sparked this post. What sign are you and do you fall into which element fire, water, earth or air?
Lets take a look at the elements and what signs fall under them and a brief description,
Fire Signs (Aires, Leo, Sagittarius) are bold, brash, creative and daring; they can burn too brightly, though, and their tempers run hot.
Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are emotional, intuitive, and deeply in touch with their subconscious. At times, they can get overwhelmed in feeling.
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are communicative, sharp, and intellectual, but also prone to overindulging in fantasy and theory.
Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are solid and practical, but also sensual and drawn to material goods. They can be stubborn and unyielding.
Does your element fit you?
I'm the fire that can burn you up, burn you out or light the way and keep you warm. They say don't play with fire. I'm here to tell you it can be a risk worth taking.