Friday, January 3, 2020

New Year, New Me

Happy New Year!! I haven't blogged for a while, go ahead and laugh at me because I swore last year that I would spend more time blogging and on a real note I didn't spend diddly squat doing it.  Why is that because... I am horrible at breaking bad habits and starting good new ones.  I love to write, always have but I spend very little time doing it.  I have decided though that you can't write a story that doesn't have an ending yet but I can write about the things I am passionate about.  For example I have been super interested in Reiki lately and want to become a Reiki master, I want to help people, I mean really help them! Whether its through Reiki or writing these blogs giving people hope or just putting myself out there to be completely torn apart.  I want you to come here and read these blogs and leave with a better sense of who you are and what you are meant to be or do or both.  I am all about holistic medicine you must heal your whole self, we spend all this time and money treating the symptoms and we don't take in to consideration that we must heal our whole self, mind, body, spirit and emotions.  I will keep you posted as I will be taking some classes to learn how to do this.  Call me crazy but this is the year that I won't be giving two fucks!